Monday, 9 December 2013

Meta Tags and its importances

What is Meta Tags and Use of Meta Elements Meta Tags or Meta Elements are the HTML or XHTML elements used to provide structured meta data about the web page. It may contain the page description, keywords or about robot etc.. This meta tags plays a major role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). it place between the <head> and </head> tag.

following are the Common META Elements :
Meta Title
Meta Description
Meta Keywords etc...

Title Tag
Title tag is nothing but title of your web page. Its important to put unique title tag for every page. Title tag should not be too short or too long, it should be in 66 character long. A website having a good search ranking will have effective title tag. and appears in three key places: browsers, search engine results pages, and external websites.

  <title>Example Title</title>
Description Tag
Description Tag is nothing but summery of your page. In description tag you should briefly explain why this web page stands for. Description tag should not be more that 120 character. This tag will also display in search result below to title tag. The description tag should not be contain the list of keywords. it should be a human readable sentence. The description tag should contain your main key phrase and it should not be repeated more than two times.

  <meta name="description" content="Here is a description of the applicable page">

Keywords are the words which targeting the web page. Keywords represent the content of that web page. So while selecting the keywords we should know that it should more relevant to your web page. This is called as Content relevance. Keywords should place below to description tag separated by coma. Don't repeat the keywords more than two time, if you did means the search engine will consider it as junk or spam it will not serve its purpose.

  <meta name="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3..." />

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