Hi Friends Previously Explain about how to create Foursquare App, Now Explain Integrating Foursquare in Website using PHP with App Credentials
Now, we will use a PHP library which is readily available here:
Foursquare Libraries
We will use the PHP one marked in red in below screenshot:
Hi Friends Previously I am Explain about how to create Facebook , Twitter and Google App, Now Expalin about how to create Foursquare App
It is very is process completed in 3 steps.
1. Go to Developers section of FourSquare and click on My Apps at the top of the page.Foursquare
In this article explain about snow effect using jquery the following code is used for display snow effect,
In this using size and colr values are minSize:5,maxSize:10,flakeColor:white.
Today I am going to tell you about .htaccess file, this is very basic thing to hide folder file lists by using htaccess, when we are holding some file in our website that files are listed as file in web folder. So that is hack-able by visitor or hackers, so we have to make secure our web folder files. for that we are going to use htaccess.