Friday, 22 November 2013

Where Should The Google Analytics Tracking Code to Be Placed?

The Analytics snippet is a small piece of JavaScript code that you paste into your pages. It activates Google Analytics tracking by inserting ga.js into the page. To use this on your pages, copy the code snippet below, replacing UA-XXXXX-X with your web property ID. copy and paste the code into the body of the page, right before the closing </body> tag

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

How to block Inappropriate words with javascript validation

This post about how to block Inappropriate/bad words content with java script validation.
Its a simple and easy to implement program hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Foreach equivalent in javascript

foreach function in PHP is very nice and easy to use,I am explain about equivalent function in javascritpt
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var new_array = new Array('knowledge','corner','srinu','chilukuri');
for (var key in new_array)
{     alert(new_array[key]); } </script>

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How to use MySQLi_connect in PHP

As you all knows that MySQLi is improved PHP extension of MySQL which is introduced in PHP 5. MySQL is deprecated in PHP 5.5 will be removed in future. We have millions of applications using PHP MySQL and needs to be updated on MySQLi or PDO (PHP Data Objects is also a new extension you can use to use in your applications). So today i am going to give you a very simple integration guide of MySQLi how to connect to a database, how to run a query and insert records etc hope you like this article.